
Changes to the eSIMGo API can be found here. New releases introduce breaking changes. Old API versions will continue to receive bug fixes and internal updates, however the API is fixed.

Release 2.4.3

This release brings improved performance and reliability, notably for ‘First attachment’, and ‘Location update’ event notifications.

Fixed - First attachment notifications

An issue which prevented some eSIMs from providing ‘first attachment’ notifications when a new Bundle is installed. First attachment events will now be correctly reported for new eSIMs.

Fixed - eSIM country change notifications

A bug which stopped some eSIMs reporting arrival in a new country has been fixed. The Location Update notification now functions as expected for new eSIMs.


This release is focused on bug fixes.

Fixed - Multiple bundle revoke via the Portal

It’s now possible to revoke a bundle or bundles from a eSIM which has more than one bundle of the same type held in a queue.

Fixed - bundle clearing

Some bundles were getting stuck in ‘active’ state once used. These are now clearing as expected.


This release introduces more practical credit card Top-up limits and improved in-Portal notifications.

Added - Top up limits

When topping up your account balance by credit card in the Portal, the new limits are:

  • Minimum top-up: $1000
  • Maximum top-up $5000

Anyone wishing to top up higher amounts should contact your customer success manager to set up a direct billing arrangement.

Added - Portal notifications

Helping to stay up to date with the latest and most important updates, we now have a notification system built into the Dashboard.


A major up date, with a focus on performance and usability.

Added - API Call Rate limiting

A rate limit per account of 10 Transactions Per Second (TPS) has been set. This total covers all API endpoints but has been deliberately set to a generous figure so that all reasonable use should be comfortably handled.

Added - new endpoint: Bundle compatibility checking


A new endpoint has been added to the API which allows you to verify that any bundle is compatible with any eSIM, simply by supplying the ICCID and Bundle name.

A 200 response indicates that the eSIM and bundle are compatible.

A 40x response indicates incompatibility.





  • eSIM Assignments endpoint added to allow eSIM data to be downloaded from multiple Order and Bundle Apply operations. Supported outputs are text/csv, application/json, application/zip. These can be requested using the Accept header. application/zip returns a ZIP file containing QR code images (in PNG format).
  • Additional multi-filtering and sorting options. Operators have been added for filtering, such as gte:1.
  • Bundle Apply operations will now create an order with bundleAssignment as the item type. These will be visible in the eSim Go Portal and allow you to easily download the eSIM data if new eSIMs were assigned:
      "type": "bundleAssignment",
      "item": "9183265c-1234-1234-1234-388a21393138-0",
      "quantity": 0,
      "pricePerUnit": 0
  • Asynchronous Orders and Assignments. Any Order or Bundle Apply that includes more than 5 Bundles will be processed asynchronously. You can query processing orders using the Order endpoint:
    http GET X-API-Key:$KEY status==processing


  • Response for List Bundles applied to an eSIM no longer includes finished (empty) Bundles. includeUsed=true query parameter is available to return to previous behaviour.
  • Response for Process Orders will now returned an iccids array of relevant ICCIDs if includeIccids query parameter is set to true...




  • eSIM Apply endpoint added to enable users to receive a new eSIM with a Bundle pre-applied if no eSIM is provided in the request.
  • Catalogue for getting information on available Bundles for purchasing as well as an Inventory endpoint for viewing your purchased Bundles.
  • eSIM data download. QR codes and CSV data for eSIMs can now be downloaded in bulk formats.




  • Apply Bundle replaced with eSIM Apply. New endpoint takes the target ICCID in the body, rather than the path. If no ICCID is provided, a new eSIM is assigned to you. ICCID is always returned.



  • Initial Release